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Why Don't Women Call Themselves CEOs?

A mentor of mine, Alicia Fairclough of EA How To recently posted on LinkedIn about the gender bias witnessed by using AI to create depictions of a CEO and an Executive Assistant. All but one of the depictions came back as the CEO being a man and the Executive Assistant being a woman.

Thanks, I hate it.

How did AI come to be biased to gender? Well, it was trained on human data, and thus, human biases. That’s how engrained into the very fabric of our society sexism is. When large language models like ChatGPT, Bard, Poe, etc get fed human-created texts, it’s going to absorb that information. It’s going to assume that men are more likely to be a CEO, when historically, men have been CEOs more than women.

A similar thought that I have been working through in my head is women being uncomfortable with the title of CEO. I’m annoyingly in touch with my body after years of therapy, and when someone reached out to me recently with the invite of “CEO Coffee Chat” — the implication that I am also a CEO, it set off alarm bells. Why exactly did I feel so uncomfortable with the idea of being called a CEO? What actually defines a CEO? Is it just owning a business? Because I do that, but that seems entirely too simple.

I did what I’ve been doing, every day since OpenAI graced the world with ChatGPT, and I headed over to enter my query. I asked ChatGPT to define at what point someone becomes a CEO and, “If you start a new business, you or someone you designate becomes the CEO from the moment the company is established. As the founder, you can choose to take on the CEO role yourself, or you can appoint someone else to serve as the CEO.” This explains why there are so many CEOs on LinkedIn with 1 investor and a freelancer on staff, but it just made me realize how once again, the only thing that stands between you and what you want is deciding to do it.*

I don’t know that I’m prepared to call myself a CEO today. As I build Tech Savvy Assistant, I hope that one day I will feel so successful that I can call myself a CEO and not feel like a fraud. Until then, I’ll stick with Creator, Founder, Brand Owner, etc.

If you’re still with me, I’d love to have you attend my next presentation on Utilizing ChatGPT as an Executive Assistant (all admins y’all) hosted by EA How To on April 13th at 2:00 PM EDT. If you’re looking for amazing support with being an admin, I highly recommend her membership. You can use code JESSICA for 15% off.